Seller API
πŸ†• - The ability to delete just one (1) webhook, instead of all webhooks with the new "delete webhook" endpoint
πŸ†• - The ability to fetch "hash", "pausedsub", "keybanned", "userbanned", "sessionunauthed", "hashcheckfail", "loggedin", "pausedapp", "username too short", "password leaked", "chat hit delay" messages from the getsettings function
πŸ†• - The ability to fetch "customer panel status" from the getsettings function.
Seller API
⚑ - getsettings function has been restructured. There is now "functions" and "messages" arrays to make the response a bit more "clear".
⚑ - Privacy Policy
Seller API
πŸ—‘οΈ - "Sellix Secret" from the getsettings function